Thursday 26 June 2014

birthday quirk of love

happy birthday - for you're my quirk of love
don't take this wrong but stupid suits you great
and so does sweat - i guess that makes you tough
what makes you ten from out of ten - can't wait

don't take this wrong but stupid suits you great
don't d.i.y too long (the hairs' turned grey)
what drives you? water - wheels and run (it's fate...)
that green says go and red's your vibrant way

and o that sweat - i guess that makes you tough
but birthday's here - let's sculpt the hours to suit
there's me and you - so stop (i know it's rough)
let's culture some more quirk into our roots

what makes you ten from out of ten - can't wait
and here's my song - this birthday suits you great

dave wood

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